How to customize icon of any file type in Windows 7, 8, 10 & 11
If your are searching for how to change/ customize icon if any file type in Windows 7, 8 ,10 & 11 then your at a right place. In this article you will learn how to change/customize icon of any file type in Windows 7, 8, 10 & 11.
What is a Icon:
An icon is a small graphical representation of a program, file or feature. When you click or double-click an icon, the associated file or program opens or an action is performed. For example, if you were to double-click This PC icon, it would open Windows Explorer. If you double click a video, it will open video in associated video player.
How to change icon:
In Windows you can change icons of any media, .exe and shortcut file. But there is no default way to change icons of other file types such as adobe project files, ms office files. But in this article you will learn how to customize any file type's icon.
Why we need to change the icon?
We need to change icon:
- To give beautiful look to our PC.
- To give new look to icons if we are using old versions of programs.
- If, due to any Windows or associated program issue, the files icon is changed or missing, assign it default icon without reinstalling program or OS.
How to change/customize icons?
- Download FileTypesMans program ( link is at the end of article)
- Extract .zip file.
- Open FileTypeMan.exe
- Wait a few moment untill it searches for file types available in your PC.
- Click on find icon and search for your desired file type.
- Double click on searched file.
- Click on three dots next to Default Icon tab.
- Now browse your .ico, .exe or .dll file containing icons. Select your icon and click Ok
- Click Ok.
- Now your custom icon has been assigned to file type.