
Rufus ISO image extraction failure solution

Rufus ISO image extraction failure solution

When you perform USB Boot with Rufus software to install Windows or other, software will appear an error message Error: ISO image extraction failure.

In this article you will learn how to fix ISO image extraction failure error in Rufus while creating a bootable pendrive.

What is bootable usb pen drive?

Bootable USB is basically an OS installation media , which has been written into a DVD or USB drive , using Windows official USB/DVD download tool or flash the ISO file using third party apps like RUFUS etc.

For making a bootable you need to download the ISO file from the OS manufacturer's website or can do download and flashing together with the OS manufacturer's official tools.

The drive once made as a bootable media , it can only be used for installing any OS to the computer, adding other files may corrupt the installation media which is inside the bootable drive.

Individual user can format the the USB drive and make it as it was earlier as a normal USB storage device.

Method 1:

First of all, we will check the files and USB.

Please put the .ISO file and Rufus software out of the Desktop of your computer. Then turn off the antivirus software and check if the USB head is broken.

Try plugging the USB to another socket and recreating the USB Boot. If the error condition still occurs, follow the procedure below.

Method 2:

First of all, download Rufus v3.9.

It will solve ISO image extraction failure error.

Now run Rufus v3.9 and try to create bootable pendrive.

Video Method:


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