
How to extend storage in C Drive

How to extend storage in C Drive

Importance of extending C drive

Usually, C drive is the system partition either in PC or in server. If there are too much data in the system drive, the C drive will be running out of space quickly. As a result, your Server computer might run slower gradually and even frozen now and then. Besides, the “low disk space” warning will also pop out to interrupt your work. Then it is very important to extend Server C drive to optimize disk space usage.

How to extend? 

Step 1: Download AOMEI Partition Assistant tool from here.

Step 2: Install it normally and after installation, copy cfg file from crack folder to AOMEI Partition Assistant tool's installation folder.

Step 3: Launch Program.

Step 4: Right-lick D and select "Resize/Move Partition".

Step 5: Drag left handle to right and create a free space (don't go beyond green line)

Step 6: Now drag the slider bar rightwards to move empty space next to C drive.

Step 7: Click "OK". Then, right click C drive and select "Resize/Move Partition". In the pop-up window, drag the slider bar rightwards to extend

Step 8: Click "OK". You can preview the changes in the "Pending Operations", then click "Apply" button to commit the operations.

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